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Northeast NA Regional

⚠️ The site information link currently reflects the 2023-2024 period and will be updated for the 2024-2025 period. Site-specific details will be available by TBD (early October) and can be accessed through the provided links below.⚠️

When you register your team(s), you will need to select which site you will compete at. Each site will have a limited number of teams that can compete, we will ensure that the slots are allocated fairly to all teams wishing to register at a site. Please get in touch with any questions!

Rochester Institute of Technology

Rochester Institute of Technology site URL: RIT, Rochester, NY

Site Director: Zack Butler

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute site URL: RPI, Troy, NY

Site Director: Konstantin Kuzmin

Northeastern University

Northeastern University site URL: Northeastern U, Boston, MA

Site Director: Huy Nguyen

McGill University

McGill University site URL: McGill U, Montreal, QC

Site Director: David Camilo Becerra

Université de Moncton

Université de Moncton site URL: U. of Moncton, Moncton, NB

Site Director: Eric Hervet

College of the Holy Cross


College of the Holy Cross site URL: College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA(TBD)

Site Director: Zack Fitzsimmons