System Information for ICPC NENA 2025
Northeast NA Regional
📌 Please check the notes for the site that your team will be attending for any site-specific details !
💻 Image
We will be using a version of the World Finals 2025 image. The specific image is here, details (including IDEs, compiler versions, etc) are here but note that the image on that page is a slightly different version so for testing please use the one in the first link. BYOD sites will provide USB-A sticks with this image installed on the day of the contest, and sites with provided machines will also use this image. However, we also strongly encourage teams to test this image on their machines before the contest day. In particular, this image is not compatible with Apple Silicon processors (M1/M2/M3), so please make sure that you will have a device that can run the image on the day of the contest!
💻 Software
The image contains the following editors/languages/documentation:
- Editors: vi, vim, gedit, geany, emacs, kate
- Languages:
- Python3 (python3 3.12.3, pypy 3.9.18)
- Java (OpenJDK 21.0.4)
- C/C++ (gcc/g++-13 13.2.0)
- Kotlin 1.9.24
- NOTE that the contest will be judged using Kattis, on which the following language versions are present (see the Kattis website for details on compilation):
- Python (pypy3 3.10.14)
- Java (javac 21.0.4)
- C/C++ (gcc/g++-14 14.0.1)
- Kotlin (kotlinc 1.8.10)
- IDEs:
- IntelliJ Community Edition 2024.2 (Java/Kotlin)
- PyCharm Community Edition 2024.2.3 (Python)
- Clion 2024.2 (C/C++)
- Code::Blocks 20.03 (C/C++)
- VSCode 1.93.1 (C/C++)
- Eclipse 2024-09 (Java/C++/Python)
- Docs: Java, Python, C++
To log in to the image, use username team
and password contest
💻 Hardware
Teams at BYOD sites may be permitted to bring an external keyboard and/or monitor. However, teams must designate one specific keyboard and monitor to use exclusively throughout the duration of the contest. Please check the specifics for your site to find out any details.
Please note that the provided USB sticks will be USB-A – if your computer has only USB-C ports, please bring an adapter. Also, several sites will use USB sticks to transfer any files to be printed, so if you are at one of those sites, you will need to able to plug in two USB devices simultaneously.
If you have any questions, please get in touch at Thanks and good luck!
💻 Internet Access and Contest Operation
The contest will be run via Kattis as a private contest visible only to authorized users. You will be able to log in and submit using the Kattis account associated with the email that you used to register in the ICPC system. Any other internet access will be strictly prohibited during the contest.